A birthday party quickly devolves into chaos when a mysterious natural disaster traps eight teenage girls alone in a house, where paranoia, and group manipulation test friendships, identities, and eventually their grip on reality. / “A Surreal, Savage and Superbly Preformed Creation” - Sarah Ward, SCREEN DAILY / “Brings another fierce female perspective to the world of cinema” - Emily Sears, BIRTH.MOVIES.DEATH. / “A Ferocious Battle Cry Against Pigeonholing FEMALE IDENTITY” - Kristy Puchko, SYFY WIRE / “A Brave and Challenging Attack on the Audience’s Pysche” - Sarah Truesdale, GOOMBA STOMP / “A Daring and Unforgettable Feature Film Debut” - Heather Wixson, DAILY DEAD / “A Hellish Symphony” - Andrew Winter, FILM INQUIRY / “Filmmaker Amanda Kramer is a Fearless Visionary” - Alexandra Heller-Nicholas, ALLIANCE OF WOMEN’S FILM JOURNALISTS / “Uncanny” - BFI / “Haunting” - SCREEN DAILY / “Twisted” - SHUFFLE ONLINE / “Powerful” - BIRTH.MOVIES.DEATH. / “Important” - Daily Texan / “Divisive” - GEEKSPACE / “Terrifying” - FANTASTIC FEST / “Nightmarish” - GOOMBA STOMP / “Trippy" SYFY / “Grotesque” - SHUFFLE ONLINE / “Disturbing” - VULTURE HOUND UK / “Madness” - MOVIE BABBLE
BFI London Film Festival (Official Selection) | Fantastic Fest (Official Selection) | TIFF Next Wave (Official Selection) | Denver Film Festival (Official Selection) | SF Indie Fest | Sydney Film Festival